1. Do I have to buy a domain and hosting in Web Studio Marita or can I take advantage of already purchased domain and hosting?
Web Studio Marita offers to buy an Internet domain and hosting, but it is not absolutely required if you already have a domain and hosting registered with another company.
You can still order to create and encode website, and after the final payment, the website will be uploaded into your server or we will give you the recorded files on a CD or pen drive.
2. How do I check whether the domain is still free?
You can check if the domain is free by typing its URL in search portals involved in the sale of domains, or send an inquiry to info@webstudiomarita.com
The best of the domain name contains the company name or trade keyword, so that someone recognizes, which the company or the industry they have to do with, just with the acquaintance of the web address.
3. What materials do I need to prepare for the new website?
We ask clients to prepare guidelines and materials as a basis for the start of the page design:
– Company logo (if you do not have a logo, we offer this service »)
– Designation of the colour (preferably brand/company colours)
– Provide the names of pages and their contents
– Provide a few web addresses of other websites that you like
– A statement, what type of modules and functionality the website should have such as:
1. Google Map
2. Contact Form
3. Languages
4. Flash animation
5. Newsletter
6. Print
8. Survey
9. Gallery
10. Administration Panel content
11. And more…
4. Is it possible to order the on-line shop?
Yes, it is possible, there are various possibilities and options from the very simple up to more complex shops.
5. How big are the fees for the upgrades?
If the page is designed, coded and loaded on the server by Web Studio Marita, and the changes are meticulous (e.g. phone number update), then there are no extra charges. However, if the changes are greater this charge is levied depending on the quantity and quality of the improvements. Please, contact us for a free estimation »
6. If I would like to have a page in different languages do I have to take care of translating the texts?
No, Web Studio Marita can take care of it for you, of course, you need to consider an extra cost of the translations.
7. Can I order a printed copies of the project such as business cards or flyers?
Yes, it is possible. See, Printing services here »
8. What does it really mean for the client optimization, or positioning of the page?
The process of optimization, or positioning is a fairly tedious process, and its purpose is to view the website in search engines (e.g. Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.) as top on the list of sites.
9. What is the email marketing and how can it help me to promote my business?
Email marketing is a fast, convenient and effective form of promotion for your business. Emails, designed especially for your company in html format with the content of information given by you, are sent by using a specially designed programs and arrive at the same time to all your customers. Emails can be personalized, especially sent to your targeted group of the customers, may contain a link to the micro-sites (landing pages with your offer), may contain a survey, if you want to check your clients’ opinions and the information you need to manage your business better. Email marketing is one of the best forms of promotion.
10. What do I need to provide to take advantage of email marketing services?
– A list with email addresses of your customers,
– The content of the email (email title, offer content, content information, etc.), photos, graphics (graphics can be also designed by Web Studio Marita on demand)
11. Why do I need to have a business page on Facebook or other social media platform?
You do not have to, but it is highly recommended, because it is an additional website for your business, an additional form of promoting your business. You have direct contact with customers, you know what they want and what they think about your offer / product. You also have the opportunity to reach a new customers (advertising – pay per click). A connection of the Facebook page with your corporate website can bring many benefits to your business.
12. Can Web Studio Marita help me with administration of my company’s Facebook site?
Yes, but it is not necessarily. If you want to, you can instruct us. Simply send us the contents of the current information, new photos and we’ll do it for you (an extra cost).
It is also possible to organize a quick course, how to use e.g. Facebook, so you will be able to update your page, whenever you want. See, Social Media services here »
13. What is the DTP?
DTP stands for Desktop Publishing. At the present, almost everyone can write a text (letter, official letter, and leaflet) in a text editor. However, professional work with the text facilitates special programs called DTP software. Thanks to them, and experience and knowledge of qualified typesetters (typesetters must know the rules of typography & the composition of the text) the text is professionally arranged and designed on the page (e.g. corporate newsletters, flyers, ads, brochures, scientific publications, books).
14. What is the Proofreading?
If your writing is already edited and just needs a final check for occasional errors, then you need a proofreader. This service is ideal if you have a deadline looming, and need a last-minute check for mistakes.
15. What is the Simple Editing?
In addition to correcting basic errors, there are revisions on matters of basic grammar, according to what standard usage requires, and make some changes to improve the clarity of the documents.
16. What is the Complex Editing?
This is more complex editorial work in rewriting and reworking the text. The complex editing contains: corrections of the occasional errors, mistakes; advanced grammar corrections; corrections to the manuscript, incorporating most of suggested changes directly into the text.
17. Does Web Studio Marita make Proofing and Editing by yourself?
No. Web Studio Marita cooperates with qualified and experienced proofreaders and editors.